Join Stacey and Bree to explore the depth and breadth of your practice this Fall.
This 3-day retreat will take you on a journey through the senses to gain new and deep inner realization. Experience your movement, breath, and consciousness by transiting through obstruction and distraction to access and reside in the calm of your core being.
The journey begins Friday afternoon and ends midday on Sunday. All classes are hosted at the Motive studio.
Friday Nov 19
3pm Tea Social & Introductions
4-6pm Module 1: Asana w/ Stacey
Saturday Nov 20
9-11am Module 2: Asana w/ Bree
11-12noon Open Tea Bar
3-5pm Module 3: Pranayama w/ Stacey
Sunday Nov 21
10-12noon Module 4: Asana w/ Bree
8 hours of yoga
Open tea bar on Friday and Saturday from Madre Holistic Tea Bar
10% discount for members
$280 /pp (10% off for members)
$75 to attend individual modules
Enrollment is limited so that we can maximize your care and attention throughout the retreat. Please save your spot in advance. You are welcome to reserve space in individual sessions.