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 Friends, Let’s bend and Send!


As an overhead athlete, you need to be able to reach with length, pull with strength, and focus with a cool head.

At Motive, we’ve dialed in the most relevant yoga practices for climbing. You’ll learn how to optimize shoulder stability so you can confidently bear down, access your deep core to power up, release your neck, and prevent getting pumped. Plus, we’ve got loads of breathing exercises to harness your focus for sending.


Yoga for Climbing

As a climber, you pull down. Incorporating yoga into your routine will balance your movement patterns with lots of pushing. And, when you join our classes you’ll learn the art of consciously breathing to sustain mental stamina and calm amidst the challenge.

Check out our weekly class schedule and come bend with us.


Climb Mazama

A yoga and climbing retreat in Mazama, WA. Details coming soon…


Motive Yoga Online

Fit yoga into the small spaces of your full life to squeeze the best out of each climb. Motive Yoga Online streams yoga for adventure athletes so you can practice anytime, anywhere.

Climbing is a constant battle against the force of gravity that requires physical aptitude and mental fortitude. Motive yoga practices will train both. You'll learn how to access healthy range of motion while training deep stability and body tension. And, we'll share easy-to-use breathing and mental focus techniques to optimize your headspace.


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Enjoy some free videos on us!


Pre-Climb Prep

Before you climb, keep in mind you’re about to ask a lot of your body and mind. Use this video to prep both:

  1. Shoulder Stability

  2. Pump Prevention

  3. Focus for Sending


post-Climb Recovery

You got send-y. Now get bendy with the perfect stretching and releasing techniques for being a climber.

  1. Neck Release

  2. Lat Stretches

  3. Foot Therapy


