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heya, hikers!


Time on the trail is hard to beat, but can also leave you feeling beat! Baggin’ peaks requires you to put one foot in front of the other for hours on end. It’s a full body effort that demands presence and taxes your glutes, hams, quads, calves, and feet. Plus, even the lightest pack can take a toll on your neck, shoulders and back.

But, with the right kind of yoga you can offset the tax your body pays. We’ll teach you how to strengthen, stabilize, and stretch your hardest-working muscles for a good ol' gnarly nature walk.


Yoga for Hiking

Incorporating yoga into your routine will challenge your body in all directions, offering balance and stability to the unidirectional nature of your movement on the trail. When you join our classes, you’ll also learn the art of consciously breathing to go faster and farther.

Check out our weekly class schedule and come bend with us.


Methow Retreat

Stay tuned for our next retreat in the Methow Valley in September… full of yoga, mountains, & sport-specific clinics to hone techniques and habits that support you doing more of what you love— running, hiking, riding, and climbing…


Motive Yoga Online

Fit yoga into the small spaces of your full life. Use our trail-specific classes to help you go free and far. Motive Yoga Online streams yoga for adventure athletes so you can practice anytime, anywhere.

Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you are climbing it.
— Andy Rooney


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Enjoy some free videos on us!


Crosstrain + get ready

Before you hit the trail hard, strengthen your hips. Use this video to prep your muscles for the epic journey ahead.

  1. Glute Strength

  2. Knee Stability

  3. Ankle Stability


post-Hike Recovery

Put down your pack, take off your boots, and address all the lingering tension from the trail.

  1. Neck & Shoulder Release

  2. Hip Stretches

  3. Lower Leg Refresh