
Seva means to be of service. This by-donation class is offered on the last Saturday of every month in the spirit of giving back.  Our teaching staff volunteers their time to lead this class and 100% of your donations will be passed along to the non-profit of their choosing. Receiving feels good, giving feels even better!

Cost: by donation
Teacher: rotating teaching staff
Date: last Saturday of every month 9:30-10:30am


We all want to experience fulfillment in life, and we hope that our yoga practice will lead us there. Patanjali's Yoga Sutra is the source and root of the yoga tradition. We invite you to let the Sutra's empower you, expand your vision and breathe life into your practice with this once a month gathering.

Cost: free
Teacher: Stacey Williams
Date: first Sunday of every month 2-3:30pm